Free Yourself From Conflict
Moving from the pain and regret of conflict
to kindness, compassion and peace

Terms and Conditions
We hope you enjoy our site.
Here are some Terms and Conditions.
Use of this site shall constitute your continuing agreement to be bound by these Terms and Conditions, including any amendments that may be made to them from time to time.
This web site and all materials contained on it, including, without limitation, all writings, documents, graphics, logos, trademarks, service marks, trade names, databases, and other information are the property of David B. Pauker [“DBP”], or used by DBP with permission, and they are protected under the U. S. and foreign copyright and trademark laws, and applicable international treaties and conventions. Copyright in and to the photographs on the Home Page are the property of their respective owners. All other materials on this site:
© 2020-2021 David B. Pauker Trust
Except as expressly granted herein, all rights reserved
under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions.
Conflict Alchemy, Deal Alchemy, Proactive Mediation, Free Yourself From Conflict,
and ConflictFreedom are trademarks and service marks owned by David B. Pauker.
License to site visitors
Permission is granted to view, store, print, and download any pages and materials within this web site, and to use any information contained on this site for personal or other noncommercial or educational purposes provided that none of the pages or materials are modified and that they clearly contain the copyright notice. No other use, including, without limitation, reproduction, modification, retransmission, or distribution of site materials may be made without the prior written consent of DBP, which may be requested at This web site may be quoted provided attribution is clearly given to DBP.
Notice regarding confidential documents
Do not send any documents or other confidential information to us without obtaining prior written authorization to send that information.
The materials on this web site have been prepared for purposes of information only. Internet users and others should not act upon this information without seeking professional counsel. Nothing contained on this web site shall be construed as a guaranty, warranty, or representation, either express or implied, including, without limitation, of merchantability, for fitness for a particular use, or noninfringement. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, if you utilize anything from this web site, you do so at your own risk and liability.
DBP, and all parties connected with him make no warranty that this site or its server is free from viruses, worms, or other code that produce harmful or potentially harmful consequences [“Harmful Elements”].
Links to external sites are provided as a courtesy only and shall not be construed directly or indirectly as an endorsement or statement of approval regarding the linked site, its owners, their products or services, or the materials contained on that site.
Nothing on this web site is intended as legal or medical advice — including, without limitation, psychological or psychiatric advice — and you should not take any action relating to your own or another’s healthcare, or any legal position &mdash including, without limitation rights, remedies, or legal responsibilities in any jurisdiction — without consulting your own doctor or legal counsel, as appropriate.
Pictures appear on this web site for the purposes of illustration and decoration. Third parties may be quoted on this web site for the relevance of their statement(s). Neither the people portrayed nor the people quoted endorse Free Yourself From Conflict, or DBP unless there is a specific indication to the contrary.
Site subject to change
We may change the contents of this web site, these Terms and Conditions, or the Privacy Policy at any time without notice.
Use of Third Party Materials
We believe we have properly licensed all third-party photographs, graphics, and other materials. If not, we apologize, and ask you to let us know at
Users who post material to this site warrant and represent that she/he/they own(s) the copyright relating to such material or has received permission from the owner of the copyright to use the material. In addition, the posting party(s) grants DBP the nonexclusive, unrestricted, royalty-free right and license to display, copy, modify, distribute, publish, transmit, store, print and use such information throughout the Universe by means and formats in digital, printed, and other technologies whether now known or unknown.
We will, of course, comply with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act regarding use of third-party materials. If you believe there is material appearing on the site that infringes your or a third-party’s copyright, notifications of claimed copyright infringement should be submitted in writing to our copyright officer at
Questions and complaints
Please do not hesitate to contact our webmaster if you have any questions regarding the information on this page or any other aspect of our site.
Thank you.